New financial course reaching thousands


The delivery of a new financial education course is now reaching completion, empowering young people with vital financial literacy training. After a successful pilot study, the new learning materials have been implemented in the initial target area of Eastern Province, Katete District, reaching over 18,000 learners!

The bespoke e-learning programme has been developed by Mwabu, working in partnership with Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSDZ) and Impact Network. The course includes bespoke illustrations and animations, plus interactive questions and quizzes. It is written and voiced in the vernacular language, Nyanja, in order to be accessible to rural communities. It covers topics such as budgeting, saving, borrowing and investment. 


The learning modules are being delivered by locally trained facilitators, who have all had very good experiences using the content. The course is being delivered to the primary target group of vulnerable young women in rural communities, mostly through a local netball project. The course has been very well received, with the participants really taking on board what they have learnt. In fact, groups of women have started teaching others in their community to share what they learnt.

The course is also being used in schools, with primary and secondary aged male and female pupils. The progress of all learners will be thoroughly analysed through pre- and post- testing, as well as anecdotal feedback.

Mwabu are nearing completion of an English language version of the digital content, in preparation for the programme to be extended to other regions in Zambia. 
